Monday, September 21, 2009

North Queensland Holiday: Day out on the Tablelands

Our time at Possum Valley was spent relaxing at the cottage and exploring the local rainforest, however we also did the touristy thing and visited a number of places of interest on the's photographic evidence of our adventurous day.

My Hypipamee National Park (The Crater)

The green waterweed covered volcanic pipe or vent (diatreme). The vent is thought to have been created by a large explosion when gas, rising from the earth, rapidly expanded and produced a deep, cylindrical hole.

Jo at the crater viewing platform

Nerada Tea plantation and visitor centre

Jason enjoying Devonshire Tea at Nerada Tea Plantation, outside Malanda

Curtain Fig National Park

Crater Lakes National Park - Lake Eacham

Wildlife by the highway

Gallo Dairyland

Jason enjoying a coffee at the Gallo Dairyland - a wonderous place full of hand made chocolates and local cheeses! Needless to say, after our visit we were dairy-ed out!

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